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ID3FileUpsertTextFrame Method

Updates or inserts a text frame. The id of the frame dictates which format category the frame falls into and what fields it can contain (see for details). An exception is thrown if the lang or description parameters are specified but the frame format for the id does not support them.

Namespace: Orthogonal.Common.Basic.ID3
Assembly: Orthogonal.Common.Basic (in Orthogonal.Common.Basic.dll) Version: 2024-04-29 08:29 GMT+10
public ID3Frame UpsertTextFrame(
	string id,
	byte flag1,
	byte flag2,
	string lang,
	string description,
	string text,
	bool append = false


id  String
The frame ID to update or insert.
flag1  Byte
Frame flag-1 byte.
flag2  Byte
Frame flag-2 byte
lang  String
Optional three character ISO-639-2 language code.
description  String
Optional description.
text  String
Required text.
append  Boolean  (Optional)
True to forcibly append the frame to the collection even if it creates illegal duplicate IDs. False to replace the data in the first existing frame with the id if one exists, otherwise it will be inserted.

Return Value

ArgumentNullExceptionThrown if the id or text are null.
ArgumentExceptionThrown if any of the parmeters are incorrectly formatted or not recognised.
InvalidOperationExceptionThrown if an attempt is made to create a frame that does not support all of the provided parameters. For example, creating a TXXX frame with the lang parameter not null will throw because that frame type does not support a language field.
See Also