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ID3FileUpdateNormalized Method

Updates the original file that was parsed to create this ID3File instance. The tag, frames, padding and audio data are written with all sizes and offsets guaranteed to be correct according to the ID3 standards.

Namespace: Orthogonal.Common.Basic.ID3
Assembly: Orthogonal.Common.Basic (in Orthogonal.Common.Basic.dll) Version: 2024-04-29 08:29 GMT+10
public void UpdateNormalized(
	int requestPadding = 1024,
	ID3UpdateTags updateTag = ID3UpdateTags.V2Only


requestPadding  Int32  (Optional)
The approximate amount of padding that will be added after the frames and before the audio data. The value may be rounded so that the audio data following the padding is written at a position that is on a quad-word (a multiple of 16). The default value is 1024.
updateTag  ID3UpdateTags  (Optional)
A ID3UpdateTags enumeration value specifying which tags will be written to the updated file. the default value is Preserve.
InvalidOperationExceptionThrown if the last write timestamp of the original file has been modified since it was parsed, this can be regarded as a concurrency failure.
See Also