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ID3Frame Class

A lightweight class that encapsulates the data in an ID3 v2.3 frame. This class is used by the ID3File class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Orthogonal.Common.Basic.ID3
Assembly: Orthogonal.Common.Basic (in Orthogonal.Common.Basic.dll) Version: 2024-04-29 08:29 GMT+10
public class ID3Frame

The ID3Frame type exposes the following members.

Public methodID3Frame Constructs an ID3 frame associated with a specific ID3 version number.
Public propertyData Gets a reference to the raw frame data that follows the header. An ID3 frame can contain dozens of different types of information in different binary formats. This library provides methods to parse the text contents of frames that are defined as frames that contain text or urls, which can internally contain confusing mixtures of ASCII or Unicode strings. All other more exotic frame types are not parsed and are processed as binary blobs. For more information see: NTagLite Library.
Public propertyDataLength Gets or sets the frame header's size bytes converted to an Int32. This value should be the same size as the Data buffer length.
Public propertyDescription Gets the description text of a frame. If the frame type does not support description text or no description is present then null is returned.
Public propertyFlag1 Gets or sets the first frame flag byte.
Public propertyFlag2 Gets or sets the second frame flag byte.
Public propertyHeader Gets a reference to the raw frame header bytes.
Public propertyId Gets or sets the ASCII string ID of the frame (see ID3 documentation).
Public propertyOffset The offset of the frame in the parsed file.
Public propertyPicture Gets the parsed information from a picture frame (ID = 'APIC'). Null is returned if the APIC frame contains unrecognisable data or the frame is not an APIC frame.
Public propertyText Gets the text of a frame. If the frame type does not support text or no text is present then null is returned.
Public propertyTextEncoding Gets the text encoding format of a frame. If the frame does not support encoding then null is returned. The ID3 V2.3 standard only recognises two encoding formats: 0x0 = ISO-8859-1; 0x1 = UNICODE LE or BE.
Public propertyTextLanguage Gets the ISO-639-2 three character language code of a frame. If the frame does not support a language code or no language is present then null is returned.
Public methodDump Dumps the frame as a string with fixed field widths for nice vertical alignment.
See Also