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RandEcuyer88S Class

Note: This API is now obsolete.

An enhanced version of the RandEcuyer88 class with the safeguard of a Bays-Durham shuffle (see P.282 of NRC - PDF). The class remains in this library as a historical reference.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Orthogonal.Common.Basic.PRNG
Assembly: Orthogonal.Common.Basic (in Orthogonal.Common.Basic.dll) Version: 2024-04-29 08:29 GMT+10
[ObsoleteAttribute("This legacy PRNG algorithm should replaced with a more modern and effective one")]
public class RandEcuyer88S : RandCustomBase

The RandEcuyer88S type exposes the following members.

Public methodRandEcuyer88S Constructs an Ecuyer 1988 shuffle random class with random seed values.
Public methodRandEcuyer88S(Int32, Int32) Constructs an Ecuyer 1988 shuffle random class with specified seed values.

This class uses the same algorithm code as the 88 class, so it suffers from the same slightly defective behaviour attempting to return continuous Next() values. See the remarks in RandEcuyer88.

The original 'shuffle' code in this class was translated from the original NRC code and it was terribly terse in old C coding style. The replacement code is shorter and more readable.

See Also