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ID3Metrics Class

A static ID3 processing utility class to hold constants and simple helper methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Orthogonal.Common.Basic.ID3
Assembly: Orthogonal.Common.Basic (in Orthogonal.Common.Basic.dll) Version: 2024-04-29 08:29 GMT+10
public static class ID3Metrics

The ID3Metrics type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAllowMulti Determines if a frame ID can have multiple entries in a tag.
Public methodStatic memberGetAscii 
Public methodStatic memberGetUnicode 
Public methodStatic memberIdToType Converts a frame ID to its format type enum.
Public methodStatic memberIsTextBadChars Determines if text contains bad control characters.
Public methodStatic memberIsTextUnicode Determines if text must be encoded in a frame as unicode.
Public fieldStatic memberBomBE The byte-order-marker bytes for Unicode big endian.
Public fieldStatic memberBomLE The byte-order-marker bytes for Unicode little endian.
Public fieldStatic memberEncoded_ISO_8859_1 Encoding byte indicating an ASCII (ISO-8859-1) encoded frame.
Public fieldStatic memberEncoded_Unicode Encoding byte indicating a Unicode encoded frame, either LE or BE.
Public fieldStatic memberTypelines The following representation of how a frame type is associated with a set of frame IDs is partly stolen from the Orthogonal.NTagLite library. These text and url frames are the only ones supported by this library, all others are treated as typeless blobs.
Public fieldStatic memberV1TagLength The length of the V1 tag.
Public fieldStatic memberV2FrameHeaderLength The length of a V2.3+ frame header.
Public fieldStatic memberV2HeaderLength The length of a V2.3+ tag header.
See Also